A man of great wit, wielder of an impossibly huge literary talent and the possessor of a stunningly giving heart.
Someone who could make you laugh as the ghouls were sawing off your head and whose horror stories could frighten the bejeesus out of the staunchest secular humanist.
Fan of his beloved football Giants.
Fellow devotee of chop-sockee movies.
And a great Scot as well.
That was a bit of what Charlie brought to the world.
I had the privilege to call him my friend.
Ghod how I will miss him.

from Locus Online:
Writer and editor Charles L. Grant, born 1942, died yesterday, Sept. 15, 2006, shortly after returning home from a long hospital stay. Grant wrote over 100 books, mostly horror and fantasy, under his own name and a variety of pseudonyms, notably the "Oxrun Station" novels set in an imaginary Connecticut town. He won Nebula Awards for short story "A Crowd of Shadows" and novelette "A Glow of Candles, a Unicorn's Eye", World Fantasy Awards for anthology Shadows (first in an 11-volume series), collection Nightmare Seasons, and novella "Confess the Seasons", a special British Fantasy Award in 1987, a Life Achievement Stoker Award in 2000, the World Horror Grandmaster Award in 2002, and the International Horror Guild Living Legend Award in 2003.
From International Horror Guild:
Charles L. Grant has been writing for thirty some years now, and in that time he's published over 100 books in various genres, with a number of his novels appearing on the bestseller lists of USA Today, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and London Times. His nearly two hundred short stories have been published in anthologies and magazines worldwide. He also edited the award-winning anthology series, Shadows. Other anthologies included Gothic Ghosts (with Wendy Webb), the Gallery of Fear, and the Greystone Bay series.
In 1987 he received the British Fantasy Society's Special Award, for life achievement. In addition, he has received two Nebula Awards and three World Fantasy Awards for his writing and editing. In 2000 he was given the Horror Writers Association's Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2002 he was honored with the Grandmaster Award of the World Horror Convention.
A graduate of Trinity College in Hartford, Grant served two years in Vietnam. He is a past officer of the Science Fiction Writers of America, served ten years on the Board of Directors of the World Fantasy Awards, and is a past president and trustee of the Horror Writers Association. He shares his Victorian home in northwestern New Jersey with his writer/editor wife, Kathryn Ptacek, five cats, and a lot of cobwebs and a few earwigs. Currently he is at work on a dark fantasy novel.