Monday, April 11, 2005

from Poetic Leanings: You have the right ... to shut the fuck up!

If you are anti-choice with regards to abortion, fine, don't have one. Leave others alone to make their own choices. You are not saving a life. A fetus is not a person until it can viably exist as a child. (1)

If you do not believe in birth control, buy a candy bar at CVS instead of a condom. Let the rest of us decide to purchase a box of Trojans or to get a birth control prescription filled.

If you do not believe in harvesting stem cells from fetuses for research purposes, sit and explain to someone who has lost a family member to a disease that stem cells might someday cure how it is unacceptable to use something that would get thrown in the trash otherwise.

If you find a movie, tv show or book offensive, don't watch or read the material in question.

If you want to be a Christian to what ever level of belief you feel is appropriate, do so. Go to church, avoid certain activities and behaviors, subscribe to a particular way of life. Do not force anyone else to be like you.

If you do not believe gays should marry and you are a man, do not marry another man. If you do not believe gays should marry and you are a woman, do not marry another woman. If you are Rick Santorum, don't marry your pet. Leave everyone else alone to marry whoever they damn well please.

If you do not support the right to die or euthanasia, leave yourself plugged in as long as you wish. Let the rest of us die with dignity when all hope is lost.

If you feel the need to impose your beliefs on me, or anyone else ... shut the fuck up!

(1) The author does not believe in late term abortions as it is said author's position that in the last trimester, we have a child, not a fetus.

'Nuff Said.

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