Sunday, March 27, 2005


Today's Los Angeles Times unearths the story of Tom DeLay's father, who was in a serious accident--and when doctors told the then young Congressman and his family that the elder DeLay would 'basically be a vegetable' (as the Congressman's aunt told the L.A. daily), the family took the decision to withhold life-extending care from the father and let him die quickly. In the Schiavo case, of course, Congressman DeLay has denounced the removal of Terri Schiavo's feeding tube as 'an act of barbarism.' But that's not what he felt 16 years ago when he told the doctors not to put his father on dialysis to prevent kidney failure.

The paper reported today: 'There was no point to even really talking about it,' Maxine DeLay, the congressman's 81-year-old mother, recalled in an interview last week. 'There was no way he (Charles) wanted to live like that. Tom knew, we all knew, his father wouldn't have wanted to live that way.' Moreover, reports the L.A.T., 'The preliminary decision to withhold dialysis and other treatments fell to Maxine along with Randall and her daughter Tena -- and, his mother, said, 'Tom went along.' He raised no objection, she said.'

Like Terri Schiavo, the elder DeLay didn't take the precaution of leaving a living will either -- he apparently trusted the good judgement of his family, just like Terri trusted her husband to do the right thing and fulfill her wishes.

Oh my loaves and little fishes. DeLay is a hypocrite? Who would have thought it?

I don't downgrade the tragedy of his father's death. But to have had that lesson in humility as a part of his life and to then act as he has during the Schiavo mess only points out even more strongly what an evil little fuck of a scum-sucking toad-raping needle-dicked phlegm wad Tom DeLay really is.

Either that or he's been huffing bug bomb in his basement in a vain attempt to recapture his glory days as an exterminator.

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