Sunday, March 27, 2005

via Whiskey Bar: Outside Agitators

One of the more sinister back stories to the Terri Schiavo drama is the return to the limelight of anti-abortion activist and Christian supremacist ideologue Randall Terry.

Given his history, you might think the Schindler family would have looked for a more reputable spokesman. I mean, if Terry isn't on the uttermost radical fringe of the anti-abortion movement, he is at least on the outer edge of the part that isn't in federal prison yet. In most cases, having as your public face a zpokesman who likes to encourage his audiences to 'let the hate wash over you,' isn't usually a winning PR move.

But this isn't most cases, and the Schindlers figured out some time ago that what they needed wasn't a smooth operator -- someone who could make nice with the media droids -- but a firebreathing agitator, one with the chops to turn their case into a cause celeb on the right.

Billmon on Randall Terry and the uses of extremism. Again we are reminded how much we've missed his unique voice during his recent fafiation.

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